ELAG 2018 workshops June 5-7, 2018, Prague, Czech Republic

Would you like to lead a stimulating discussion with a group of library technologists?

Do you prefer encouraging audience participation rather giving a formal lecture?

Do you have a specific area of expertise that you would like to discuss with like-minded colleagues?

Then lead a workshop during ELAG 2018!

Workshops are a unique feature and an important part of the ELAG conference. They give participants an opportunity to acquire new skills, enhance their knowledge and get a more in-depth view of a specific topic.

The keyword for ELAG conferences is participation, so ELAG workshops strive to be interactive, hands-on and solution-based in order to draw from the experience and knowledge of participants and produce useful advances, solutions or recommendations for the library community.

A workshop leader will have a good grasp or some experience of the subject, but it is not necessary to be a top expert in the field (though in the past many renowned experts have run ELAG workshops). A good workshop leader will present a topic and then stimulate discussion and exchange of views and experiences rather than lecture.

Last years we had workshops on linked  data cataloging, research data management, wiki data, Fedora and more.

ELAG participants take part in 1 workshop per conference. There will usually be two time slots during the first two days of the conference. This way, people will spend about 4 hours in a workshop. On the third conference day, all workshops will present their results. Further guidelines for workshop leaders and participants are available at: https://elag.org/2014/10/15/workshop-guidelines/

To propose a workshop, please complete the form below and send it to:

Peter van Boheemen (peter.vanboheemen@wur.nl), Chair of the ELAG 2018 Programme Committee.

All proposals will be reviewed by the ELAG 2018 Programme Committee.

The deadline for proposals is March 8, 2018.

The results of the review process will be sent by March 16, 2018.


Workshop Title:
Maximum number of participants:
Short description (up to 250 words):
Workshop outcomes: